Ikemen Douryou ga Ore no Juukakin Fan Deshita
Followed by 1,721 people
Authors: Moto Touno
Genres: Comedy Romance Shounen Ai
Rating: 9.51/10 (100 votes)
Your love (donations) is too much to bear!!! Unbeknownst to those around him, Shirafuji is a game streamer who goes by "Shirocho" online. At work, he hides his love for games and "camouflages" himself as a nice young man. He also finds it hard to deal with his naturally exuberant and handsome co-worker, Meguro. However, he discovers that Meguro is actually his hardcore top donor fan who has been constantly donating hefty amounts during his streams…?!?!?! +
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Ikemen Douryou ga Ore nio Juukakin Fan-deshita - Chapter 2
Ikemen Douryou ga Ore no Jukakin Fan Deshita - Chapter 2
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