やまない不幸の終わらせ方 ; How to Stop the Never Ending Unhappiness
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Authors: Ogawa Chise
Rating: 9.72/10 (14 votes)
After many years, Udou Takayuki has finally fulfilled his desperate unrequited love and began a relationship with Seiji Kiyotake. Now as a working member of society his only goal is to protect this love. However, when Udou visits Kiyotake's parents' house he witnesses the reality of what stands in the way of their love. What future will they choose? Series Reading Order: 1. Gosan no Heart 2. Owaranai Fukou ni Tsuite no Hanashi 3. Gosan de fukou na koibanashi 4. Yamanai Fukou no Owarase kata
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