Followed by 2,355 people
Authors: Rainy Wata
Rating: 9.04/10 (200 votes)
Kurokawa desperately wants his college kendo team to win the team competition. Every day, he pesters Kazuha, his biggest rival from high school, to join the team.Kazuha keeps turning him down, but unable to give up, Kurokawa challenges Kazuna to a match. If Kurokawa wins, Kazuha has to join the team.Kazuha easily beats Kurokawa, and now Kurokawa has to do what Kazuha wants. And what Kazuha wants is to be spanked!The usually arrogant and snobby Kazuha is into some really kinky stuff!Kurokawa sees another side of Kazuha he's never seen before.Kazuha might just get the better of Kurokawa if he lets his guard down!
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