歌姫Fight!, Singing Princess Fight!
Followed by 7 people
Authors: Kakinouchi, Narumi
Genres: Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Romance Shoujo Magic Shoujo Ai Yuri School life
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Utahime Fight is a collection of three short stories, all of which are about magical, mysteriously attractive girls and they effect they have on the people around them. In the first story, a girl and her two friends (one male, one female) are really magical fighters for something - probably love and justice. The second story follows two girls who are magically drawn into the plot of a movie, in which a prince strives to save his mother and his land. After being threatened with their lives, they wake up in the library in school. They have a final scene in which they admit that they love each other and story ends. The third story is about a magical creature that enchants a young man and brings love into his life. (description from http://okazu.blogspot.com/2005/03/obscure-yuri-manga_23.html)
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