利根川りりかの実験室〈ラボラトリー〉, Tonegawa Lilika no Jikkenshitsu, Tonegawa Ririka no Laboratory, RiriLabo, LiLi×Labo
Followed by 111 people
Authors: Aoyagi, Aito
Artists: Hasegaki, Narumi
Genres: Romance Shoujo School life
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
Tonegawa Lilika may be the daughter of the famous biologist Tonegawa Midori, but she personally hates math and science. She's most interested in being fashionable. But in order to save a friend, Lilica makes a contract with a strange blonde man in foreign clothing: she receives a flask to summon famous scientists, and he vows to make her like science. This mysterious bishounen introduces himself as the greatest scientist of Ancient Greece, Archimedes. (Source: Batoto)
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