巴マミの平凡な日常, Tomoe Mami's Mundane Everyday Life, Mami-san no Yuuutsu
Followed by 11 people
Authors: Magica Quartet, Arata, Mai
Genres: Comedy Slice of Life
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
This alternative story tells the life of the series' characters when they're in their thirties using Mami's viewpoint. She's the only single person in their group, as Homura, Kyouko and Sayaka are married and Madoka is engaged. Mami loves eating, drinking beer and is obsessed with diets and losing weight, what's more, she works part-time. Due to this, Kyuubey has been recently telling her that "she's not the same as before"... (Soure: koi-nya)
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