ところで今は何番目でしょうか; 話說現在我是第幾名
Followed by 991 people
Authors: Tanakamori Yokota
Genres: Drama Romance Yaoi School life
Rating: 7.68/10 (37 votes)
How could I not fall in love with such a cute devoted bottom!!! Two university students, a player and a crybaby with 0 experience with love. A love story so pure and hearthwarming you'll be cheering for them before you know it. Renge starts talking to Shirou who is famous at his university for being a player. He was able to quickly become friends with Shirou but for Renge, who was trying to make a fresh start and doesn't know about the ways of the world, the world of party people it's full of things he doesn't understand...On top of that, he can't help but being flustered by Shirou's every action!! "Count to five slowly. And while you do that I'll be putting it in little by little."
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