特攻の島, The Isle of Tokkou
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Authors: Sato, Shuho
Genres: Military Seinen Historical
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
This story takes place in 1944. Japan is entering a crucial phase in the war against the United States. Cities and towns in Japan fall one after the other under America's continuous bombing. They even get hold off the Pacific coast due to their mighty force of 230 submarines, but Japan refuses to admit defeat. They must stop the enemy's advances at all costs. Testings for their new weapon are done-the Kaiten, a suicide torpedo with a built-in cockpit was ready to be mobilized into the battlefield. The time is now perfect for Japan to recruit pilots and station them at a military base on a remote island. Volunteers will forfeit their lives, but recruiters do their patriotic duty: the fate of Japan rests on their shoulders! A fascinating and psychological story on these suicide missions told from the Japanese soldiers' perspective. (Source: MU)
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