Followed by 281 people
Authors: Ogura An
Rating: 8/10 (8 votes)
From Kirby Scanlations: "What a boring world this is." A noble society where it is common sense for women to marry a nobleman from a good family and dote on their husband for the rest of their lives. Anna, the young daughter of the Harmich family, has grown tired of such a world. Rather than having fantasies of marriage, Anna, who is obsessed with the art of war, dreamt of appearing on the battlefield alongside her father. However, after being invaded by their neighbouring country, Albion, Anna's father departed for the battlefield for his last and final time. On top of that, the eldest son was taken as a war prisoner. In dire straits, the Harmich family decides to offer their eldest daughter, Anna, to the neighbouring country! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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