心の声が聞こえる悪役令嬢は、今日も子犬殿下に翻弄される@COMIC; Kokoro no Koe ga Kikoeru Akuyaku Reijou wa, Kyou mo Koinu Denka ni Honrou Sareru
Followed by 1,442 people
Authors: Kanon, Momohata Una, SHABON
Genres: Historical Romance Fantasy
Rating: 10/10 (58 votes)
The villainess of an Otome Game, Eleanor, was still young when she first heard somebody's "Inner voice". Tired of always hearing people's crude attention and their calculating, untrue, and heartless thoughts, at some point she had closed off her heart and given up on love. Then, she meets the first prince, Asher, at a ball. He's handsome, and speaks with a calm voice. No matter how you look at him, you'd think he's a perfect person. And then... "Pheww, I'm so nervous. Okay, I'll do my best! One, two, let's gooo!" He's actually a timid and pure prince!? For the first time, Eleanor is curious about the boy with the calming "inner voice". Could that turn into love...?
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