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Chapter 115 : Ch 115 : Special Episode 5
Read manga The Time-Reversing Princess / Jikan Modori no Koujo / ???????The protagonist, Princess Angelica, was the favorite of her father, Emperor Regalia, and was praised as the most beautiful flower of the empire, living happily every day. One day, she was falsely accused of assassinating Emperor Regalia. Furthermore, she was captured by her beloved Vice-Captain of the Royal Guard, Zieghardt, and imprisoned. Imprisoned and disheartened, Angelica was suddenly confronted by the magician Edgar, who handed her ten magic stones that could turn back time. Using one of the stones, she time-leaped to three years before her execution, but Emperor Regalia was assassinated, just as he had been the first time. Using the remaining magic stones, she repeatedly time-leaps, overcoming many experiences and difficulties, growing stronger, and tracking down the culprit. Will Angelica be able to find the real culprit?
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Chapter 115 : Ch 115 : Special Episode 5
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