Creator: badshion 204 803,660 | Historical mangas i guess.. Creator: Binny_ 107 94,465 | Historical, Romance, Isekai, Villianess, etc. Creator: Myraballs 75 192,201 | Creator: Magicka 73 170,007 | Creator: Asuna86 61 182,146 | Creator: saint'sinsane 54 221,288 | Historical ▪︎ Fantasy ▪︎ Reincarnation ▪︎ Revenge ▪︎ Villain ▪︎ Villainess ▪︎ Creator: 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕖𝕥☽ 30 144,836 | Creator: saint'sinsane_2 23 58,466 | Villainesses in need of more episodes Creator: EveryoneNeedsTherapy! 20 45,093 | Creator: Stargazing11 10 54,076 |
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