Mǎn cháo wángyé yīguōduān (Google Translated), Mǎn Zháo wángyé yīguō duān, Man Zhao Wangye Yiguo Duan, TẬN DIỆT VƯƠNG GIA MÃN TRIỀU, نهاية العائلة الملكية, 满朝王爷一锅端
Followed by 55 people
Authors: Shenyu manshe
Artists: Shenyu manshe
Genres: Drama Fantasy Historical Comedy Romance
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A surgeon who tries to save a man before throwing himself from the hospital surface, but falls with him to die in her world and is born and lived another time in the body of a miserable woman committed suicide on her wedding day before marrying the worst princes and the most cruel and evil and before mingling with the palace that is ruthless and turns into a scapegoat ... but the situation worsens completely when the heroine stabbed a princes in front of her husband to protect themselves but find themselves in a greater calamity ... What kind of crazy adventures are waiting for ???
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