ためしにコマンド言ってみた ; Tameshi ni Command Itte mita ; Tameshi ni Komando Ittemita ; Tried Saying a Command
Followed by 1,526 people
Authors: Moegi Yukue
Genres: Yaoi Adult Smut Comedy
Rating: 9.6/10 (150 votes)
[From ikemen scans] “Masa, kneel.” Select shop owner Masa’s current crush is his best friend, Oto, a fashion model. They’re both high-ranking doms who attract a lot of attention when they walk the streets. Oto has been feeling under the weather lately, since he was dumped by his sub partner… At the same time, Masa has been building good relationships with three partners. Feeling that his commands are too forceful and scary, Oto asks Masa for advice, but then Oto jokingly commands Masa to kneel down…?!
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