Tales of Zestiria: Michibiki no Toki 10/10 3,604 | Tales of the Abyss 0/10 1,840 | Tales of Destiny 0/10 1,441 | Tales of Eternia 0/10 1,395 | Tales of Symphonia 0/10 1,274 | Tetsuman: Tekken Comic 0/10 1,199 | Tales of Xillia 2: Soukyoku no Crossroad 0/10 1,163 | Tales of Vesperia 9.72/10 1,135 | Tales of Symphonia: Ratatosk no Kishi - Onshuu no Richter 0/10 976 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 0/10 965 | Tales of Innocence 0/10 953 | Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade 0/10 944 | Tales of Xillia 2 0/10 940 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Hajimari no Kiseki 0/10 903 | Tales of Destiny 2 0/10 894 | Tales of Legendia 0/10 853 | iDOLM@STER SideM: Dramatic Stage 0/10 848 | THE IDOLM@STER 2: Colorful Days 0/10 838 | Digimon World Re:Digitize Encode 10/10 828 | Tales of Xillia: Side;Milla 0/10 799 | Tales of Graces f: 4-koma Kings 0/10 798 | The iDOLM@STER 0/10 779 | Tales of Xillia: Side;Jude 0/10 775 | Tales of Graces f 0/10 770 | Tales of the Abyss: Senketsu no Asch 0/10 770 | BC Anthology Collection: Tales of Symphonia 0/10 762 | Tales of Destiny: Kami no Me wo Meguru Yabou 0/10 758 | Puchimas!: Petit iDOLM@STER 0/10 744 | Tales of Symphonia: Ratatosk no Kishi - Toki no Negai 0/10 744 | Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut - Hakanaki Toki no Lion 0/10 739 | Tales of Phantasia 0/10 731 | Tales of Hearts: Anthology Comic 0/10 728 | Tales of Symphonia: Toki no Kagayaki 0/10 692 | Tales of Graces f: Sub Travels 0/10 683 | Tales of Symphonia: Extra Load 0/10 680 | Tales of Graces Comic Anthology 0/10 657 |
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