Star Whisperer: The Store With a View of Stars, 星语者:看得见星星的店,
Followed by 43 people
Authors: Chiya ,, TIANWEN KADOKAWA
Genres: Drama Fantasy Supernatural Shoujo Webtoons
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
A Spiritualist is allowed to hear the voices of souls, but mustpromise to keep their secrets and fulfill their wishes. Dawn Wu, aJunior Spiritualist, resides in a small basement on Windmill Street.Old stairs lead to its door, and the rabbit lantern lights up the waythe souls come. The lost boy who is eager to get together with hisfather; the young man who is wandering the world and hopes to see hislover one last time; the girl with autism who wants her beloved boy toremember her name... Will Dawn fulfill their wishes? Will Dawn becomean excellent Spiritualist?+
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