週に一度クラスメイトを買う話; Shuu ni Ichido Classmate wo Kau Hanashi; Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week
Followed by 234 people
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Genres: School life Shoujo Ai Romance Shounen
Rating: 9.86/10 (43 votes)
Once a week, Miyagi pays 5,000 yen to her classmate Sendai.The 5,000 yen is to buy three hours of Sendais time, which gives the right for Miyagi to give her orders.Miyagi is at the bottom of the school caste while Sendai is at the top. The two, who never crossed paths at school, spend time together after school under such a contract.Miyagis orders are determined by her mood of the day, and Sendai cannot disobey.One day after schoolMiyagi calls Sendai to her room and gives her an order that she usually does not give.
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Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week - Chapter 1
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