[en] Omi was left all alone after his father disappeared, leaving behind a large debt. When he attacked the debt collector, Shinome, who had taken everything from him, the man surprisingly took an interest in Omi and declared that he would become his guardian. Expecting to be treated harshly, Omi was instead treated kindly by both Shinome and the other members of the group. As he grew up, bewildered yet thriving, Omi, now a high school student, realized that he had special feelings for Shinome. Even if he couldn't be seen as a romantic partner, he wanted to stay by Shinome's side forever. Whether Shinome was aware of Omi's modest wish or not, he was told that he would have to return to a normal life after graduation... ------------------------- [jp] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????……?
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