sen] rasen no zyou; [sen] zyouya no chigiri; Sen - Jouya no Chigiri; Sen - Rasen no Jou; 千 螺旋の錠; 千-螺旋之锁; 千-长夜之契; 千‐長夜の契
Followed by 35 people
Authors: --
Genres: Drama Historical Yaoi Tragedy
Rating: 10/10 (5 votes)
Sen manga summary: An unlikely pair and their adventures in the mythical past. Burly ronin Kusanagi looks after the physical well-being of various characters the two come across, while the slight, "blind" Sensai attends to their spiritual predicaments, granting wishes in exchange for souls. Note: This series is comprised of two volumes with three episodes each, plus a self-published ~50-page book with two shorter episodes. All chapters can stand alone, but the two protagonists are the same.
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