Followed by 5 people
Authors: Nightow, Yasuhiro
Genres: Action Adventure Supernatural Historical Martial Arts
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Based on the video game series, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, an evil entity from beyond the grave, decimates the countryside in the name of Ambrosia. One of the victims of his attacks was the parents of a boy named Otsuna. He seeks revenge with his Kusudaryugan sword techniques. Along the way, he meets Haohmaru, who mainly chooses to ignore the devastation in the country. However, after he witnesses how twisted the populace has become, he mends his arrogant ways and goes to slay Amakusa. (Source: SNK Wikia)
Same Author/Artist
Chapter List
Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 8: The Chosen Sword Saints!Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 7: Light Vs, Darkness, Aerial Battle!Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 6: Clash! The Sword Saints Vs. Amakusa Shiro!!Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 5: The Dark God Castle HowlsDec 26, 2021
Chapter 4: The Sword Saints Go To The Dark God CastleDec 26, 2021
Chapter 3: The Great Battle Against Xavier!Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 2: Explode, Kogetsuzan!Dec 26, 2021
Chapter 1: Enter The Sword Saint!Dec 26, 2021
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