ロイヤル・シンデレラ・ママ 天涯孤独の没落令嬢は冷徹皇帝に溺愛される , Royal Cinderella Mama: The Orphaned Fallen Noble Lady is Cherished by the Merciless Emperor
Followed by 436 people
Authors: Rin Suzune
Genres: Fantasy Romance Shoujo
Rating: 9.01/10 (12 votes)
Description : Rosalinde Baltzer was born as the only daughter of Baron Baltzer. Due to the former baron's gambling addiction which landed them with many debts, they were forced to live in poverty, and were only nobility in name. Nevertheless, she was raised by parents who were extremely humble and loving.However, when she was 14, her parents passed. After selling the only assets she possessed, which were her home and land, to pay the debts, she was left with nowhere to go. Thanks to her relative's recommendation, she was able to acquire a job as a gardener for the royal castle's back garden.Rosalinde then decided to live quietly in the back garden, surrounded by her favorite plants. However...
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