• Rooster Fighter

    Rooster Fighter

    ニワトリ・ファイター, Niwatori Faita, Savaşçı Horoz

    Followed by 248 people

    Authors: Sakuratani shū



    Genres: Action Shounen

    Rating: 10/10 (9 votes)



    The battle action manga tells the story of how humanity is threatened by monsters with overwhelming might called "Kij?." As the cities are destroyed and the people fall into despair, a rooster stands up to face against the threat. It is the story of how a single rooster saves humanity.Turkish/ Türkçe:Spoiler "Kiju" ad?nda aniden ezici bir güçle insanl??a sald?rmaya ba?layan garip bir yarat?k ortaya ç?kar ve ?ehir harap olur, insanlar umutsuzlu?a kap?l?r. Tam o s?rada canavar?n kar??s?nda bir gölge belirir!"Lan ?erefsiz! Ecelin geldi!" diye insanl???n yan?nda kendi küçük yüre?i büyük bir horoz belirir!"T-DRAGON" serisinden tan?nan Shu Sakuraya taraf?ndan çizilen e?i görülmemi? bir aksiyon serisi!?nsanl??? kurtaran bir horozun hikâyesi! "Kiju" ad?nda aniden ezici bir güçle insanl??a sald?rmaya ba?layan garip bir yarat?k ortaya ç?kar ve ?ehir harap olur, insanlar umutsuzlu?a kap?l?r. Tam o s?rada canavar?n kar??s?nda bir gölge belirir!"Lan ?erefsiz! Ecelin geldi!" diye insanl???n yan?nda kendi küçük yüre?i büyük bir horoz belirir!"T-DRAGON" serisinden tan?nan Shu Sakuraya taraf?ndan çizilen e?i görülmemi? bir aksiyon serisi!?nsanl??? kurtaran bir horozun hikâyesi! Rooster Fighter Chapters Name chapter Date updated Rooster Fighter Chapter 1: 1º Feather: Chaotic Reunion new Dec 24, 2020 Name chapter Date updated Rooster Fighter Chapter 1: 1º Feather: Chaotic Reunion new Dec 24, 2020 @media (min-width: 320px) { .adzones .sq-lmt { max-height: 270px; } } @media (min-width: 375px) { .adzones .sq-lmt { max-height: 310px; } } @media (min-width: 425px) { .adzones .sq-lmt { max-height: 340px; } } @media (min-width: 550px) { .adzones .sq-lmt { max-height: 390px; } } @media (max-width: 350px) { .adzones .mobile-s { max-height: 550px; overflow: hidden; } } if (window.innerWidth < 768) { var cpmstar_rnd=Math.round(Math.random()*999999); var cpmstar_pid=52937; document.writeln(""+"IPT>"); } if (window.innerWidth < 768) { var cpmstar_rnd=Math.round(Math.random()*999999); var cpmstar_pid=52937; document.writeln(""+"IPT>"); } if (window.innerWidth < 768) { var cpmstar_rnd=Math.round(Math.random()*999999); var cpmstar_pid=52937; document.writeln(""+"IPT>"); } Comments var disqus_config = function () { this.page.url = "http://mangahasu.se/comments/p51906.html"; this.page.identifier = "http://mangahasu.se/comments/p51906.html"; }; (function() { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//mangahasu.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); Same genre Shin Megami Tensei IV Dengeki Comic Anthology Vol 1 Chapter 4: After Him, Isabeau! This Lady Is Too Much Chapter 8 Shingeki no Kyojin - Lost Girls Vol 2 Chapter 10: Lost Girls: END Cry Eye Vol 2 Chapter 8: A Cruel Game Countrouble Chapter 37: Final Chapter:The Thing You Give Me(End) Night Town Oneshot Brothers (NARUSE Yoshiki) Vol 2 Chapter 6 Iyahaya Nantomo Vol 1 Chapter 3 Toaru Guuzou no Ippou Tsuukou-sama Vol 4 Chapter 39.6: A Certain Idol Accelerator-sama's Fans! Wild Life Vol 19 Chapter 159: A New Lawsuit Shin Megami Tensei IV Dengeki Comic Anthology Vol 1 Chapter 4: After Him, Isabeau! Shin Megami Tensei IV Dengeki Comic Anthology Vol 1 Chapter 4: After Him, Isabeau! This Lady Is Too Much Chapter 8 This Lady Is Too Much Chapter 8 Shingeki no Kyojin - Lost Girls Vol 2 Chapter 10: Lost Girls: END Shingeki no Kyojin - Lost Girls Vol 2 Chapter 10: Lost Girls: END Cry Eye Vol 2 Chapter 8: A Cruel Game Cry Eye Vol 2 Chapter 8: A Cruel Game Countrouble Chapter 37: Final Chapter:The Thing You Give Me(End) Countrouble Chapter 37: Final Chapter:The Thing You Give Me(End) Night Town Oneshot Night Town Oneshot Brothers (NARUSE Yoshiki) Vol 2 Chapter 6 Brothers (NARUSE Yoshiki) Vol 2 Chapter 6 Iyahaya Nantomo Vol 1 Chapter 3 Iyahaya Nantomo Vol 1 Chapter 3 Toaru Guuzou no Ippou Tsuukou-sama Vol 4 Chapter 39.6: A Certain Idol Accelerator-sama's Fans! Toaru Guuzou no Ippou Tsuukou-sama Vol 4 Chapter 39.6: A Certain Idol Accelerator-sama's Fans! Wild Life Vol 19 Chapter 159: A New Lawsuit Wild Life Vol 19 Chapter 159: A New Lawsuit

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