Riviere and the Land of Prayer: A Wandering Witch Side Story, Inori no Kuni wo Lilliere: Majo no Tabitabi Gaiden , 祈りの国のリリエール ~魔女の旅々 外伝~, Inori no Kuni wo Lilliere - Majo no Tabitabi Gaiden
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Homeless, hungry, and with one foot in the grave, MacMillia was plucked from the streets by Riviereenigmatic proprietor of a magical antiques shop and cursedispelling service. After Riviere removed the curse that had condemned her to life on the street, MacMillia took up a job as Riviere's new assistant. While helping Riviere buy, sell, and dispel for all manner ofeclectic patrons, MacMillia will learn about the true power of prayersand the curses they become. Their first job: investigate an impossibly lucky, ashen-haired girl cleaning out everyone at the local casino
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