Taiyou no Ie 9.25/10 21,588 | Chikyuu no Owari wa Koi no Hajimari 8.49/10 9,464 | Onegai, Sensei 8/10 1,415 | Issho ni Ofuro 0/10 1,161 | Bitter II: Anata dake ni Aisaretai 0/10 1,123 | Sunu Sumu Muriku no Koibito 3/10 1,123 | Koi Tsukiyo no Himegoto 0/10 972 | Wagahai wa Yome de Aru. 0/10 971 | Kuramochi Hon 0/10 859 | Shoujo no Melancholy 0/10 845 | Ano Ko to Boku no Ie 0/10 835 | Tsuki to Drop 0/10 792 | Shoujikimono ga Baka wo Miru 0/10 783 | Hatsukoi Rocket 0/10 777 | Ashi-san 0/10 687 | Lost Girl 0/10 631 | Atsumori-kun no Oyomesan (Mitei) 0/10 184 |
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