The Cute Little Monster Next Door; 俺のとなりのかわいいケモノ;
Followed by 2,507 people
Authors: ASATANI Kotori
Rating: 8.25/10 (130 votes)
Daichi, a kind-hearted delinquent, and Haruto, who's just as cute as any schoolgirl around, have been friends since childhood. Haruto always claims that Daichi is his, and constantly gets in the way when Daichi talks to girls. Because of Haruto, Daichi doesn't even know what to say or do when he goes on a group date. It crosses his mind sometimes that everything would be great if only Haruto were a girl... And all of a sudden, Haruto appears on his doorstep dressed up as one! Seeing Daichi blush at the sight of him is just too much for Haruto, and an intense encounter ensues...
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