Moto Maou-sama no Nangoku Slow Life - Buka ni Uragirareta no de, Mofumofu-tachi to Tanoshiku Slow Life suru no Ja, 元魔王様の南国スローライフ 〜部下に裏切られたので、モフモフ達と楽しくスローライフするのじゃ〜, Former Demon King's Southern Slow Life - Betrayed by Subordinates, So Enjoying a Slow Life with Fluffy Ones
Followed by 86 people
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Genres: Comedy Fantasy Shounen
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
Ragurindo Jenerufu Korasoda, the overworked Demon Queen, had enough. After an assassination attempt and a betrayal by her underlings, she faked her death and escaped to a tropical paradise. There, among palm trees and beaches, she found a herd of adorable, fluffy slime creatures. Life as an ex-Demon Queen had never been so sweet.
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