盛り合わせガール, Anraku Isu no Kaiju Tantei, Shiroi Majo to Yukimi Ocha, Kurenai no Shizuku Ame no Machi, Writer Ghost, Shiroyukihime to 70-nin Kobito, Kimi no Koe ga Kikoenai, Shufu to Asakusa, Mahou Shoujo Bitch Bitch
Followed by 11 people
Authors: Suzuki, Sanami
Genres: Fantasy Seinen Mystery Comedy School life
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
1. Anraku Isu no Kaiju Tantei 2. Shiroi Majo to Yukimi Ocha (The White Witch and the Snow-Viewing Tea Party) 3. Kurenai no Shizuku Ame no Machi 4. Writer Ghost 5. Shiroyukihime to 70-nin Kobito 6. Kimi no Koe ga Kikoenai 7. Shufu to Asakusa 8. Mahou Shoujo Bitch Bitch
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