もふもふとむくむくと異世界漂流生活 , Mofumofu & Mukumuku and Drifting Life in Another World , Fluffy & Chubby and Drifting Life in Another World
Followed by 271 people
Genres: Isekai Slice of Life Fantasy Adventure
Rating: 9.27/10 (11 votes)
Description : Kentaro Yamada, a salaryman who lives peacefully with his dog, Max, and cat, Nini.One day, while taking them out for a walk, he got into an accident and woke up to find himself surrounded by a spectacular natural landscape...Suddenly, a squirrel-like creature claiming to be the 'Creator' of this world appears and informs him that this is a different world.It said "Thanks to your arrival, this world has been saved", and allowed him to live freely here...Encountering Max and Nini, who have grown huge and gained the ability to speak, as well as new companions, he wanders carefreely in another world surrounded by fluffy things and delicious food!
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