みつる君の貢げない春が来る ; Mitsuru The Provider Stops Providing ; Mitsuru-kun no Mitsugenai Haru ga Kuru
Followed by 1,693 people
Authors: KATOU Susu
Genres: Yaoi
Rating: 9.21/10 (136 votes)
Renta:Mitsuru is a giver. When Shiro, in tatters and collapsed in the middle of the road, calls out to him, he can't help but intervene. Shiro is penniless, but like Mitsuru, he's a giver in his own right. Mitsuru provides him with food, and, sensing that their encounter is fate, allows him to stay the night at his place. Mitsuru soon realizes he's outmatched when it comes to the super-popular Shiro! Receiving is a show of love, right!?
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