まきちゃんは彼とセックスしたい; Makichan wa kare to sekkusushitai;
Followed by 1,108 people
Authors: Tomochi
Rating: 8.53/10 (51 votes)
From Lewd4Yaoi Scans:I don?t think anyone will have sex with a dog. I have this older childhood friend, Shuu-chan that I always follow around. One day, I was touched by one of Shuu-chan?s friends, and Shuu-chan who was angry overwrites everything by sucking my dick. I would say it was magic, but after seeing me sulk, Shuu-chan and I finally become lovers. After dating for a year, we have never gone pass deep kissing (the first base?). That?s why now I?m doing the seduction, and it seems like Shuu-chan is having a hard time controlling himself!
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