負け犬のなんでも屋, Makeinu no Nandemoya, Losers' Convenience Agency by Underdogs
Followed by 51 people
Authors: Sugano, Akira
Artists: Asou, Kai
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Atsushi, an ex-chef, Torajirou, a high school baseball player, and Nakagawa, a famous ex-composer (all 3 losers in life) started up a Convenience Agency. Then, as if fate had a hand in it, Nakagawa once again crosses path with Takahashi, an incredibly talented young composer, when a job that needs Takahashi's expertise arises, rocking the three's otherwise quiet life towards a whole new direction. From making you laugh to moving you to tears, this is a story of love and peace, and the world as seen by losers. from Forever More
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