The Galaxy Next Door 9.49/10 74,493 | Seinen Hakkaten 8.55/10 22,032 | Natsume Isaku Fanbook 9/10 13,108 | Misshitsu no Hisoka na Hoshi 9.41/10 11,928 | Koi made Hyakurin 9.79/10 11,430 | Yakedo to Tsumeato 9.49/10 10,867 | Inu to Tsubame 8.55/10 8,308 | Amaama to Inazuma 9.72/10 8,021 | Akunin wo Nakaseru Houhou 8.5/10 6,559 | Aoi Tori yori 7.85/10 5,032 | Warudakumi ni mo Hana wa Furu 8.51/10 3,905 | Shuuden ni wa Kaeshimasu 10/10 3,158 | Yurayura Q 10/10 1,799 | Brother Complex Anthology: Liqueur 0/10 1,730 | Fantasm 0/10 960 | Watashi Baka 6/10 847 | Koiwazurai Freaks 0/10 715 |
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