Goddess Café Terrace 9.69/10 67,477 | Fuuka 9/10 17,835 | Kimi no Iru Machi 8.4/10 17,075 | Kanojo, Okarishimasu - The Official Anthology 10/10 8,343 | Suzuka 10/10 7,942 | Hitman 10/10 4,515 | Princess Lucia 0/10 2,953 | Cross Over 9/10 2,708 | Half & Half 9.72/10 2,221 | Hitman (Seo Kouji) 0/10 2,093 | Ore no 100-wame!! 0/10 1,841 | W's 6/10 1,438 | Love Plus: Rinko Days 10/10 1,334 | Kimi no Iru Machi: Mousou 200-wa 4/10 1,131 | Magazine Heroines on the Beach 0/10 1,076 | Magazine Ohanami!! 0/10 1,075 | Kimi no Iru Machi x Princess Lucia Special Collaboration Comic 0/10 993 | All Star Collaboration Comic 0/10 915 | Magazine Boys' Valentine! 0/10 866 |
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