レズビアン, Garden of Angels, Secret Flower Garden
Followed by 60 people
Authors: Knife, Senno
Genres: Yuri
Rating: 9.33/10 (3 votes)
Volume 1: Shuojo Ai 1. Miyako 2. Mizu no Machi 3. Seijo no Tegami 4. Haikyo no Tenshi 5. KISS 6-7. Kumo Fujin Volume 2: Mitsu no Heya 1. Tenshi-tachi no Niwa (Garden Of Angels) 2. Mitsugetsu no Heya 3. Poolside 4. Ame ni Nureta Kyuujitsu 5. Inu no Seikatsu 6. Himitsu no Hanazono (Secret Flower Garden) 7. Mori no Naka no Majo Volume 3: Kyuuketsu Reijou 1. Kyuuketsu Reijou 2. Akai Senrei 3. Chinureta Gakuseiryou 4. Noukandou no Himitsu 5. Chi no Butou 6. Tozasareta Gakuen 7. Reijou Fukkatsu
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