吸血鬼の麗しき結婚, Lovely Vampire Weddings, The Lie Becomes Love Under the Moon, The Bride and Prince, The Beautiful Lady and the Vampire, Itsuwari wa Tsuki no Shita de Ai ni Naru, Hanabi to Ouji-sama, Bijo to Kyuuketsuki
Followed by 174 people
Authors: Hashimoto, Kanari
Artists: Kajiyama, Mika
Genres: Romance Josei Vampires
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
This is compilation of 3 loosely connected stories of vampire/human romances. 1. Itsuwari wa Tsuki no Shita de Ai ni Naru (The Lie Becomes Love Under the Moon) 2. Hanabi to Ouji-sama (The Bride and Prince) 3. Bijo to Kyuuketsuki (The Beautiful Lady and the Vampire)
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