孤独な鷹は人恋しくて, The Lonely Hawk Which Longs for Company
Followed by 2,026 people
Authors: Kuroiwa, Chihaya
Genres: Yaoi
Rating: 8.08/10 (24 votes)
"Senpai, I want you to fall for me." When Hotaka, his junior at high school, suddenly confessed to him during their student days, Yuu felt so embarrassed that he gave him the brush-off. He was brusque with Hotaka, but even now, he regrets hurting his cute junior he cared about more than anyone. However, when they happen to meet each other again after several years, Hotaka has turned into a devilish man who's bent on seducing a drunk Yuu…. (Source: Rain Over Paradise)
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