A Stomachful of Secret Delights ; 好物はこっそりかくして腹のなか
Followed by 1,232 people
Authors: TSURUSAWA Tsutako
Rating: 8.27/10 (226 votes)
In a world of people evolved from cats, where both males and females can have children... My cute, sweet Noris has adored me ever since he was little. As kids, we even promised to get married. I decided to become a chef to feed him delicious foods and make him happy forever. He's the love of my life... But one day, I see him smiling at some guy I don't know. I thought that smile was only for me...!! All this bottled-up stress and jealousy is making me lose control of my pheromones... Main story: Koubutsu wa Ichiban Saigo ni Hara no Naka
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