星のカービィ まんぷくプププ ファンタジー , Hoshi no Kirby Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy , Kirby Fantasy - Gloutonnerie à Dream Land
Followed by 2 people
Authors: Nintendo, Takeuchi Ibuki
Genres: Comedy Fantasy Shounen Slice of Life
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
Description : Introducing a new manga for Kirby's 25th anniversary!This is the peaceful land of Pupupu.But the pink, round, hungry little guy, Kirby, is always causing a ruckus and making things very lively!Even Hikawa Hirokazu, the creator of the first Kirby series in CoroCoro, gave his approval!It's the 25th anniversary of the series, and the start of a new manga series!
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