爱情解除野兽的诅咒, 獣の呪いは恋で解く
Followed by 2,042 people
Authors: Kurihara kana
Artists: Kurihara kana
Rating: 9.16/10 (41 votes)
Wizard Iori and Werewolf Hanao. In order to find a solution to break the curse that transforms beasts during a full moon, the two have lived together for 10 years. Eventually, they found the link between transformation and sexual desire. Iori teaches the inexperienced Hanao how to relieve himself, demonstrating the solution to curbing the transformation. But after what happened, Hanao is starting to developing serious feelings for Iori. After noticing these feelings, Iori casts upon Hanao a magic that erases these romantic feelings-- "If you are to live in the human world, you cannot have relations with a non-human like me."
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