The O’Connels Series #1
Followed by 32 people
Authors: Marton, Sandra
Genres: Josei Adult Drama Romance
Rating: 6.67/10 (3 votes)
A kiss that I thought was a mistake. He doesn't think so...? It's a passionate kiss. A kiss impossible to forget. Lost in the atmosphere at a friend's wedding, Cassie kisses her employer, Keir. He is the manager of the Las Vegas hotel where Cassie works. He is also the sergeant of the venerable O'Connell family. In addition to the different world she lives in, Cassie hears Keir say that she is just an employee, and in order to forget everything, she takes a new job and leaves for another land. She never thought that her new boss at her new job would be Keir and that they would see each other every day...
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