Kedamono Arashi - Love Me Baby! -; ケダモノアラシ - Love me baby! -; ケダモノアラシ-Love me baby!-;
Followed by 2,036 people
Authors: Morry Kuroi
Genres: Yaoi Romance Supernatural
Rating: 9.58/10 (120 votes)
In this world exist “normal” human beings and those with ears called “beasts”. Beasts have a unique body that experiences heats/ruts and pregnancy between the same sex is possible. Akira, a veterinary specialist, meets Sougo, a beast who has lived an arrogant life based on his instincts, and after many twists and turns, they become a couple. Akira and Sougo are blessed with three cute sons and are living a happy life, but one night, a sad-looking Kazuhisa visits the Kijima family.
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