海賊★ゲーム, Pirate Game
Followed by 59 people
Authors: Takagi, Ryo
Rating: 6/10 (2 votes)
A continuation of the oneshot Kaizoku Game in Ousama Game that features the rest of Kuuron's pirate crew. 1) Prince vs Cook Yuuki's older brother Rien gets caught by Kuuron and gets prisoned on the ship. In the time there he is being supervised by the cook, Kougyoku. All the meals prepared are untouched and Kougyoku gets angry since all the crew recognize his talent... 2) Pirate vs First Mate Rika, the first mate of Kuron, have been in love with Kuron from 8 long years. Even so he never confessed his feelings and so he relieve his "other love" out of the pirates ship. But then one of this sex friends came to join the crew... 3) Musician vs Runaway Boy Kuon is searching the one that destroyed his sister's heart. It's a violinist named Shana that plays in a pirate ship. After finding him though, can Kuon really kill him...? (Source: MU)
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