人狼への転生、魔王の副官~始動編, Der Werwolf, Transmigration to a Werewolf, the Demon Lord's Camp
Followed by 183 people
Authors: Hyougetsu
Artists: Terata, Isaza
Genres: Fantasy
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
Reincarnated to a werewolf magician, the protagonist Vyett was instated as the vice-head of the Demon Lord's 3rd brigade force. Occupying a remote market town, he was entrusted to management and defense. As a former human, born a monster, I can understand the sentiments of both sides well enough. Because of that, those around seem to think I'm a man of wisdom, or something of the like, but it's really just one trouble after the next. I have to follow those monsters that are overly quick to resort to violence, and do something about the humans, who start to complain immediately. So today as well, I'll do my best at managing the Demon Lord's main force. (Source: Novel Updates)
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