Japan Sinks (Takao Saito) manga summary: A swarm of earthquakes hits the Japanese archipelago causing the sudden eruption of a dormant volcano. Soon after the people find themselves facing a wave of mysterious natural disasters... and ultimately discover an unbelievable consequence. Based on Sakyo Komatsu's best-selling science fiction novel, Takao Saito presents the story in his own powerful and distinct style.
Chapter List
Dec 26, 2021
Vol.4 Chapter 9: Japan sinksDec 26, 2021
Vol.4 Chapter 8: RescueDec 26, 2021
Vol.3 Chapter 7: The day of destructionDec 26, 2021
Vol.2 Chapter 6: The Sinking CountryDec 26, 2021
Vol.2 Chapter 5: The Japanese archipelagoDec 26, 2021
Vol.2 Chapter 4: GovernmentDec 26, 2021
Vol.2 Chapter 3: Plan DDec 26, 2021
Vol.1 Chapter 2: TokyoDec 26, 2021
Vol.1 Chapter 1: The Japan TrenChapterDec 26, 2021
Chapter 0.1 : Vol.1 EpilogueDec 26, 2021
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