In the vast continent of Blood, mysterious creatures known as Mythical Beasts exist. These extraordinary beings have the ability to fuse with humans, transforming into powerful weapons, sturdy armor, or essential tools for battle. For humans, Mythical Beasts are more than just alliesthey are loyal partners bonded by trust and purpose. Those who wield their power are known as "Beast Masters."Among these Beast Masters are individuals who solve problems for the people and hunt dangerous monsters, often for little reward. Together, they form a tightly-knit organization called the "Mythical Beast Society." Bound by unwavering camaraderie and trust, its members are seen as symbols of hope and protection, earning the admiration and deep respect of the people they serve.In this world of adventure and peril, where the connection between humans and Mythical Beasts holds limitless potential, a grand tale of courage and growth begins.
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