いじわるしないで抱きしめて ; Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimete ; Ijiwarushinai de Dakishimete ; Ijiwarushinaide Dakishimete ; Please Hold Me Tenderly
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Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete manga summary: From Exiled Rebels Scans: 1) Cowardly First Love Seiji met Daigo when the latter was still in high school. After Daigo confessed, the two became boyfriends, however, even after months of dating, the two have yet to have sex. Will Seiji overcome his fear? 2-3) Please Hold Me Tenderly Bisexual playboy Yuuichirou who works as a book publisher and unsociable gay "Micchan" (Mitsuhiro) have been inseparable since high school. Without a lover, Yuuichirou lives an easygoing life, selfishly manipulating Micchan. But after turning 30 he starts to get a little lonely? After a sudden omiai proposal, he starts thinking that maybe he can get married, to which Micchan complains by saying "If anyone is fine, then I am, too!", an unbelievable confession. Really? But we're both tachi!!!? Seme x seme, a pure love!
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