可愛い義妹が婚約破棄されたらしいので、今から「御礼」に参ります。 , Kawaii Gimai ga Konyakuhaki Saretarashii no de, Ima kara "Orei" ni Mairimasu.
Followed by 237 people
Authors: Ami Harusaki
Genres: Fantasy Historical Shoujo
Rating: 8.75/10 (8 votes)
Description : The most talented girl in the kingdom, Roselia, is a scholar, fighter, and the apple of everyone's eye. Today happens to be the day of marriage to a childhood friend and now lover, Robert, the head of a ducal family. Everyone was congratulatory and enjoying the wedding, until...Robert's cute little sister Margaret was brought into the ceremony in tatters! Margaret was attending the Royal Academy and engaged to the prince. But he broke the engagement accusing her of a crime that was never committed, and ruthlessly beat her! Roselia is now furious at their disgusting treatment of Margaret, who did everything to clean up the prince's messes! But is Roselia really going to confront this corrupt royal court head on?!
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