放課後キミと恋いをして。, Houkago, Kimi to Koi o Shite.
Followed by 93 people
Authors: Ikeyamada, Go, Chiba, Kozue, Shiraishi, Yuki, Minase, Ai, Ichikawa, Shou, Hattori, Miki, Hoshimori, Yukimo
Rating: 8/10 (3 votes)
Collection of one shots: 1. Girl's Revolution by Ikeyamada Go 2. Haru ni Naru Made Matte by Minase Ai (Also included in 37°C no Boyfriend) 3. Puberty BABY by Chiba Kozue (Also included in 7 Genme wa Himitsu) 4. Koi, damono by Shiraishi Yuki (Also included in Akuma de Koibito.) 5. Ore-sama Housekeeper by Ichikawa Shou (Also included in Ouchi e Kaerou) 6. Dare yori Soba de Kataomoi by Hoshimori Yukimo 7. Kanpeki na Kimi, Donkan na Anata. by Hattori Miki (Source: MU)
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