Yasaotoko to Sadistic 9.09/10 35,846 | Kanemochi-kun to Binbou-kun 8.59/10 18,288 | Negative-kun to Positive-kun 6.87/10 17,107 | Gesu BL 8.88/10 15,344 | Pink Gold 7.67/10 13,792 | Kare no Barairo no Jinsei 9.28/10 10,367 | Stay Gold 10/10 10,339 | Joshi BL 9.75/10 10,015 | Udagawachou de Mattete yo. 8.95/10 8,820 | Nennen Saisai 9.29/10 8,520 | Ringo ni Hachimitsu 9.31/10 8,266 | Stay Gold (Hideyoshico) 10/10 4,752 | Ikemen-kun to Saenai-kun 9.26/10 3,927 | Shingeki no Kyojin dj - H Sketch One Touch 8/10 3,457 | Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hanji ½ 0/10 1,445 | Romeo ga Rival 10/10 1,410 | Holly Mix 10/10 1,245 |
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