I'm an Incubus Who's No Good at What He Does ; へたくそ淫魔じゃダメですか?
Followed by 2,972 people
Authors: Maro Irihi
Genres: Yaoi
Rating: 9.13/10 (169 votes)
Tasuku's never had any problems finding people to hook up with. One night, he sees a frumpy looking young man, Mitsu, being picked on by a drunk. He helps Mitsu, but Mitsu can barely stand. Unable to leave him on the street, he takes Mitsu home only to be told the shocking truth. Mitsu is an incubus! Mitsu asks for Tasuku's juice, and right before Tasuku's eyes, the frumpy man turns into a sexy, beautiful incubus wearing very revealing clothes. Tasuku can't resist Mitsu's allure and gets ready for a long night... Except, when Mitsu starts kissing him, he notices Mitsu's not very good at it. Tasuku was looking forward to a very passionate night hearing that Mitsu's an incubus, but it turns out, this is Mitsu's first time. Moreover, Mitsu wants Tasuku to let him practice on him.A very naughty story about a good-looking playboy college student and an inexperienced incubus. Rating : 18+ Uploaded: Bato.to Localization by : Renta
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